A Discussion About Set Point Theory

This discussion deals primarily with the “Setpoint Theory” but in addition I should have mentioned the role of High Intensity Training (HIT) both in aerobic type exercises (swimming, jogging, running) and in Anaerobic Type training (Weight Training). Aerobic means “with oxygen” and anaerobic means, “without Oxygen.”
Today I weighed another pound less on the body composition scales. I use two and average them out as numbers vary on a daily basis. And from measurement to measurement, back to back. You would think they would be more consistent but they are not.
As an experiment, I believe I will buy two new “Body Composition Scales” and see if the newer generations are any better. I will update you if I find anything new.
We use The Cosmed Bodpod at the gym, as it is considered a scientific instrument. You can do a little research on them and you will find it interesting. We have a section on this website that describes it or go to Cosmend’s website.
I was not following my own recommendations!
Then March hit and I went off the rails. Poor diet, then got sick for two weeks (not covid) and my weight shot up to 228 and 28.1% body fat.
Became well and concentrated on getting enough sleep, (a whole subject in itself) and my weight is returning to the 200 teens which is where it was last December.
Lower Pound Numbers Again
Today’s numbers show approximately another pound of weight loss. Now 214.7 but I know this is still my body adjusting to the diet and minimal exercise last week. They were short, but intense workouts on our ARX. ( see www.arxfit.com )
In late December, I was bragging on myself, to myself, about how I maintained and, even lowered, my weight through the Holidays. My weight at year’s end was 217.7 with 29.2% body fat.
I Was Vegan, 100% for Two Years Plus
While vegan I did not substitute vegan treats full of sugar for meat I just tried to eat whole foods and it worked. My weight stayed around 250 +/- for decades. Got married, and it shot up again. During this time I added some very intense exercise and went Vegan again for 2 years. The weight came off back to 250 and stayed around there.
This got me thinking about set point theory and I studied up on it.
For the last two years, I stayed on a Ketogenic Diet for much of the time and my weight moved down SLOWLY to the 225-230 range. Towards the end of last year, I was strict all the way through Christmas and got as low as 213 for a day. Then I gained again due to not following any controlled diet and because I hurt my leg, I stopped exercising. That was a big mistake I will take up in another post.
Today my weight was 214.5, another amount that is not scientifically possible because I am only restricting my calories by approx 500 calories a day. This is far more “weight loss” than 500 calories and I can only attribute this to my body adjusting to the Low Carb, Keto Diet.
Set Point Theory
This brings me back to Setpoint Theory. It is a theory because this is very difficult to actually study. But observations by all areas of weight loss, gain, muscle retaining and gaining have born it out.
I have been on Keto now for a week and the weight keeps coming off. I am doing my best to keep calories about 500 below what my daily needs are. There are charts that can estimate your daily caloric needs but if you are serious about losing weight and KEEPING it off, you should get your metabolism, your personal metabolism, checked by an instrument that actually MEASURES your own metabolism at rest.
It must be done at rest because there are no devices made yet that you can wear which will give you a precise number, but The PNOE machine actually measures your “exhaust.” Most of the calories that leave your body, do so through the mouth. As our breath. Measuring at rest gives us your Resting Metabolism Rate or RMR. The importance of this is that you want to lose weight but you do not want to lower your RMR. If you do, then as soon as you stop “dieting” the weight will likely come back on because eating your OLD NORMAL amount of food will now be too much for you.
I have been testing my personal RMR for two years and even though I have lost weight, it has remained in the same range plus or minus 125 calories. This is great news as I should be able to keep my weight off as my “set point” seems to be remaining at the same level.
Read on the Subject as it WILL Help

I would highly suggest that anyone interested in Keto read a book or two on the subject. Go to Amazon and buy the best seller. Buy two! Or I can make a few suggestions such as “15 Minutes to Fitness” or “The Keto Reset Diet.”
Reading a full book on the Subject will make it much easier to stay on the diet. You will learn how it works and why it works. You really want to be educated if you are going to stick to it. Even if you fall off, you will at least know what will happen and how to get back on.
As I mentioned in the previous blog, Keto, or mild calorie restriction, the choice is yours. But in my life, I have found Keto to be the easier “diet” to stock with over the long haul.
Leo Hamel