

Strength Training: Unbelievable Health Benefits

Woman doing an elevated plank.

Whether you’ve been working out for years or you’re ready to start, taking up strength training in San Diego may be right for you. In fact, strength training can improve your health and overall sense of well-being in many different ways. What’s more, you can use a range of innovative technologies to change your workout routine, including strength training.

Before starting your strength workout, you should explore all of the health benefits it offers. This will enable you to understand this type of exercise better.  And it can also help you create a more personalized workout routine.  And even motivate you to take full advantage of your strength training sessions. Man planking.

Before discussing specific health benefits of strength training, it’s important to note that there are different types of this exercise. Strength training comes in different forms, so the benefits it offers can also vary from one type to another.

Nonetheless, strength training is still extremely beneficial for your health, fitness level and overall wellness.  So as long as you practice it properly, you’ll soon notice significant change.

How does strength training improve your health?

  • Enhanced muscle mass: Working out isn’t only about losing weight, but also about increasing your strength and toning your muscles. This type of workout can help you enhance your muscle mass, which is  important, as you get older. 
  • Faster metabolism: This is another great benefit of strength training. Regular strength training will speed up your metabolism, which will further improve your overall health. 
  • Stronger immune system: Strength training sessions lead to a boost in your blood circulation.  This can lessen stress. And release  endorphins. Consequently, your body and mind will be under less stress and in better condition, which in turn will improve your immune system.
  • Alleviated chronic conditions: If you engage in regular strength training, you will alleviate chronic conditions. Such as obesity, back pain, arthritis, depression, heart disease, and others. 
  • Weight loss: Believe it or not, this type of workout can burn a similar number of calories as cardio exercises, helping you lose weight. Furthermore, by speeding up your metabolism, strength training will also help you burn more calories on a daily basis.  This is because your body will have greater muscle mass. 
  • Stronger bones. According to Harvard Medical School, strength training will strengthening your muscles and reducing the risk of osteoporosis-caused bone fracture. 
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Numerous studies have revealed that strength training has a direct impact on heart health. Aside from reducing fat in your abdominal area, this type of workout also regulates blood pressure, triglyceride levels, etc.
  • Enhanced mental health: Strength training can help you reduce stress and trigger the release of endorphins.  This further leads to improved mental health. What’s more, this workout can alleviate depression and anxiety both directly.  This happens by affecting your body, and indirectly, by enabling you to workout in a controlled environment. 

Person getting ready to deadlift.

How can you improve your strength training?

First, adding a Personal Trainer is likely the most significant thing you can do for YOU!  Personal Training add so much that it is hard to overestimate it’s value.  But other than that to reap maximum benefits from your strength training, you should make sure to optimize your workout. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Be consistent: Consistence may be the second most vital aspect after a personal trainer.  You should work out regularly and find a pace that works for you. You can come up with a schedule and make sure to follow it. 
  • Remain persistent: Don’t give up when your workout becomes challenging. Instead, find motivation to keep going and you’ll overcome even the most challenging obstacles. 
  • Join a gym: This brings access to necessary equipment.  It will also provide you with an opportunity to exercise with an instructor.  They will tailor fitness plans, and more. 
  • Set fitness goals: If you have goals you’re trying to achieve, you’ll be more motivated to work out. Also, once you do attain them, you’ll feel even more inspired to keep going. 
  • Tech up your workout. If you introduce technology to your workout sessions, you’ll make them even more effective. What’s more, certain equipment such as ARX is particularly optimized for strength training. 


Get the best strength training in San Diego at Leo’s Fitness Lab

Strength training is a rewarding type of workout and there’s no better place to tackle it than Leo’s Fitness Lab. We bring you all the equipment you need for strength training, including advanced ARX machines. This equipment brings you numerous benefits such as more effective training sessions, faster and better results, and tailored workout plans.

To top it all off, you need just 20 minutes for your strength training with ARX! Never again will you have to choose between your physical and mental health and having fun!  Meet your friends at La Jolla Cove because you’ll have time for both. Stop by our innovative fitness lab today!
