Pnoe Device and How to Use to Guarantee a SUCCESSFUL Weight Loss Plan. Burning stored fat versus consumed carbohydrates.
Below you can see the data generated by our Pnoe Metabolism analyzer. Take a look and come back!
A brief explanation of why this data is important is as follows.
We burn calories every day based via two aspects. The first is our Basal Metabolism Rate (BMR). Basal means “basic.” This is the number of calories you would burn just to keep alive if you didn’t move at all durning they day. The rate of calorie burn if you just just lied still the entire day. The second “set” of calories come from daily movement. This includes any walking, talking, exercise, etc.
If you want to lose weight it would be very important to know your BMR. Why? Because one most diets, and I am referring to 80-98% people reduce their caloric intake too much because they want to lose weight fast. Weight Loss Science has shown us over and over that prolonged, excess calorie reduction WILL lower your metabolism. Therefore you will be burning less calories the longer your calorie deficit is in play.
Calories In and Calories Out
This old time saying is true. BUT the reason you do not want to reduce your calories too much is because of the slowing of metabolism.
There is another saying,
“Eat Less and Move More.”
These two sayings are the basis of most weight loss programs but they both have some faults. Science, again, has shown us that if you reduce calories too much (calorie deficit) that your metabolism will slow. Yes, you will lose weight. But at the end of your weight loss program, you will tend to go back to eating amounts similar to before the diet. With your now LOWER BMR, you will not need as many calories as you did before the diet. Therefore your body will store them as fat. This is why, in the long run, 80-98% of diets fail in that all the weight comes back. And often it all comes back, plus more!
Why Your Metabolism Slows on a Severe Calorie Defecit
Your brain thinks you are starving so it goes into a calorie saving mode. It is evolution protecting you. Your body doesn’t want to starve so it reduces your need for calories.
There is another problem with too large of a calorie deficit. That is muscle loss. When calories are too low, your body can turn muscle into glucose (sugar) and will burn that to “keep you going” and save some of the fat for later when things get really bad.
Since ALL metabolism happens in muscle cells, you want to retain as many as you can.
Burn FAT Not Muscle
If you want to lose weight, you target losing FAT, not muscle. And if you want to keep metabolism high, while losing that fat, you use a limited calorie deficit. But what is that proper deficit? You need to know your BMR. Then you eat at least that many calories to keep your muscle. After you know that you can determine your total calories by the BMR plus an estimate of your activity burn.
How To Retain Metabolism Rate and Muscle
By having your BMR tested by a scientific instrument you can decide on how much to limit your calorie intake per day. With follow up tests you can see if your BMR is lowering or remaining the same. If it is lowering, then you are eating too few calories.
There are calorie estimators for deciding how many calories you should deny yourself per day to lose fat and not muscle. But these estimates will NOT tell you if YOUR metabolism is slowing.
Having a Pnoe test at the beginning of your diet/exercise program and then maybe once a month thereafter, you will be able to monitor your weight (fat) loss. And be sure your metabolism does not go down.
Remember, the statistics say that if you lose too much weight, too fast, it will all come back. Plus more! The diet yoyo.
My BMR numbers, dated April 6, 2022 are below. They were not good for me because my body was consuming 21% in carbohydrates and 78.9% in fat. These were ingested carbohydrate calories. Normally I am on a Ketogenic Diet and don’t have carbs to burn. When on a Keto regime I tend to burn 90+ percent body fat. That is why my weight has been creeping down for several years now.

What Keto Looks Like on the Pnoe

As you can see above, after only eight days on a strict Keto Diet (numbers produced April 14, 2022) I was then burning 99.1% fat and only .09% carbs.
Assuming I was eating less than I needed to maintain my weight, this fat burn would have come from stored body fat. Our BodPod device, which is a medical grade body composition measuring machine, gives estimates of activity burn. As does the Pnoe Device. If you look just below the hand drawn circles you will see m y actual BMR. 2079 on the 6th and 1799 on the 14th. (I will address this lowering of BMR below) To this you would add some number of calories for movement and exercise. Mine comes in around 800. So if I cut back 500 calories a day. I will, and AM losing body fat. Slowly and over time. This DOES NOT HAPPEN QUICKLY. If you try to lose it quickly it will just come back. And more.
Why Did My BMR Lower and the Fix
Lo0k below and you will se my April 23 Pnoe. My BMR has returned to my normal range around 2000 calories. On the sheet below the hand drawn circle you can see it is 2020.
I believe I was eating too few TOTAL calories in the period between the first and second tests and that brought down the BMR.
But look at my card burn versus fat burn. Carbs 37.7 and fat only 62.3.
YES, I went off Keto again. But because my body is used to “fat burning” because I am on Keto most of the time it reverts to fat burning quite easily.
So the fix was to go back to eating 2200 calories, plus or minus, so I would be in a 500 calorie deficit.

Everything Back To Normal Weight & Fat Loss
The final Pnoe numbers below show me in strong Keto and also in the right BMR calorie range (2031). I am not losing muscle and I am losing fat. There are graphs in this piece that show both. Look below.

09.4% fat burning and only 9.6% carbs. With calories in line for me to loose 1 pound a week. Or a little more as my deficit is likely 600 calories. But so long as my BMR doesn’t go down, and I eat around 2200 calories a day, I should be fine.
I am eating a little more carbs than when I got that 99% fat number, but I feel like some green vegetables are good. And that’s all I have eaten, carb wise between the last two tests. 25-50 grams a day.
Now go ,look at my weight, body fat percentage and my lean tissue (muscle, bone and tendons) between the last two Pnoe tests. The graphs are here.
Final Word(s) Exercise!
You can, and will lose weight on any diet you stock to but you want to keep your lean tissue and this is where exercise comes in. I only do 30-50 minutes of exercise a week yet my muscle mass stays the same while my body fat goes down. This is because I do Intense, for a 65 year old, exercise. Intense for two 20 minute sessions a week is all it really takes. I use one of my San San Diego personal trainers at my gym. It is amazing how fit you can become if you do short, intense exercise.
Thanks for reading!