You Must Be Vigilant During the Holidays

I wrote this before the Holidays and then forgot to post it. But I am going to now cause there are always birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Eating habits should be formed or reformed and the beginning of the year is the perfect time.
This time of year is a notably hard time to stick to healthy eating habits. There are temptations everywhere and with family around it can be difficult to stick to your plan and also see everyone eating things you aren’t able to.
Here’s a few holiday eating hacks to help you through this tough time of year and keep it as enjoyable as possible.
Have a Conscious and Health Driven Holiday Plan
From Healthline: Eat around your normal times to keep your blood sugar steady. Plan to have a snack if the meal will be served later than normal.
– Offer to bring a healthy dish to the party.
– Cut back on ALL carbs like potatoes and bread during the meal if you want to have a sweet treat.
– Don’t skip meals to “make room” for a holiday meal. This makes it harder to stabilize your blood sugar and you’re more likely to overeat at the meal.
– Don’t stress over slipping up, put that energy into getting back on track.
Healthy Buffet Choices
– Make a small plate of the foods you like the most then move away from the buffet.
– Starting with veggies can take the edge off your appetite.
– Your brain can take 20 minutes to realize you’re full, Don’t rush through your food.

Holiday Favorites
– Choose dishes you really love and can’t get during the year.
– Eat mindfully.
– Keep less healthy foods to a smaller portion.
Get Active
– Physical activity can get pushed down the priority list this time of year, but make sure to stick to a routine so it doesn’t fall down the list.
– Even a couple short but intense workouts (as we do at Leos Fitness Lab) can help boost your metabolism. You will burn more calories all day long.
– Working out can also ease the stress of the holiday season and is an extremely healthy coping mechanism.
Eat Right 90% of the Time, and you Are Good!
Eating right and keeping up your routine is hard during the holidays, but it’s not impossible and there are ways to make it manageable. By keeping up your momentum during the holidays, the new year will be less daunting.
Leo’s Fitness Lab has personal trainers who are here to help you through the holidays. They’ll push you to stick to your best and help you create a plan for your routine. Contact us today to get started with any one of our National Society of Sports Medicine certified personal trainers.