
Do not Trust Main Media on Fitness Advice

Woman with hand on chin looking to the side.
Man with chin resting on hand looking to the side.

Examples of False Information in the Press

We use the Pnoe device, which is a scientific instrument that measures aspects of metabolism.  It also measures oxygen uptake (oxygen use).  It is rather revolutionary because 20 years ago a test like this would cost thousands.  Our device is portable, the test only takes 20 minutes and is inexpensive. 


Am I an expert? No, but I can read!

As I was writing this I decided to look up something about the history of metabolism measuring.  I immediately found an article which was true, but completely misleading.  So much so that it is really a lie and I find articles like this in major periodicals often.  I would NOT trust health advice from any source that is broadly published.  It seems that much of it is meant more to harm than help.  Before you start thinking “conspiracy theory” let me explain the one I just found. 

Here is the title, “Metabolism May Not Decline With Age as Previously Thought.”  Ok, wow, that sounds good!  Now I don’t have to worry about exercising or watching my diet just because I am 65! 

Published originally in the periodical, “Science.”  But the follow up article, on the website, EveryDay Health is nonsense.  But following is the ONE line that gives away that this article as questionable.

“The data indicated that men and women had similar metabolic rates after accounting for body size and muscle mass.”

Well of course, if you “account” (factor out) for body size and muscle mass”  then every person would have the same metabolism.  Because metabolism is BASED on body size and muscle mass.  The statement makes the whole premix  meaningless! Metabolism happens ONLY in muscle mass.  

Person pointing to lightbulb.

Be Your Own Counsel

I am not implying that the study was B.S. or that Science MAgazine is either.  What I am saying is that this article is completely useless and devoid of real, helpful information.  So the author, for whatever reason, wrote a misleading article.  I have no idea why, but this is a very fine example of “health news” which isn’t news.

A second example was an article in The New York Times, “Walking Just 10 Minutes a Day May Lead to a Longer Life.”  Notice is says “may.”  Thats the first key to a spurious article.  Dr. Peter Attia, noted surgeon and podcaster, deconstructed this one and again, the article picked and chose pieces of the referenced study, to make the title appear true but the study did NOT show that.  Again, why would the times publish such a piece?  Because it is sensational and grabs attention.  Why is it bad?  Because someone walking 30 minutes a day may feel that they could reduce their exercise.  Or someone doing nothing could start walking 10 minutes a day, and then feel comfortable eating ice cream that night.

So please be wary of articles on health, fitness and diet that, “Seem too good to be true.”  In my opinion they will NOT be!

Learn about body composition and real fitness and how they relate to metabolism and your journey to health will be that much shorter.

Leo Hamel
