
A Slow Metabolism Will Destroy Your Diet

Woman training on the Vasper machine at Leo’s Fitness Lab.

The Problem With Dieting "Too Hard."

Metabolism is the measure of how many calories you burn per day. Science has shown that cutting calories, or eating fewer calories than you burn, is the only way to lose weight. The problem is that our metabolism will slow down as soon as we reduce calories, causing us to burn fewer calories all day every day. Therefore, the more weight we lose, the harder it is to continue losing. This is why all “The Biggest Loser” participants gained back ALL the weight they lost. Most gained even MORE!

Why Most “Biggest Loser” Participants Gained Back Their Weight

Although participants were able to lose unbelievable amounts of weight. Most of them regained it within a year, which sparked the interest of investigators. What they found was similar to what other studies have shown. The extreme calorie restriction that participants had undergone significantly lowered their metabolic rates. In simple words, they were burning fewer calories than before the contest.

And their metabolisms didn’t return to normal as they regained weight. In the case of one participant, due to the extreme caloric restriction, his metabolism slowed so much that he now has to eat 800 calories per day less. Less than a typical man his size or he will gain weight.

With a slowed metabolism, people who go on diets will ultimately regain the weight they lost. That is unless they stop the slowdown of their metabolism and bring it back to a normal state. We have the answer to this problem!

The Difficulty in Weight Loss is Biology, Not Willpower 

 In other words, every failed diet failed because of this lowering of metabolism. It’s not your fault if you regained the weight that you lost. If it’s harder to lose weight the next time you try to diet – it’s just science!

A Slower Metabolism Can Be Permanent
Science has only recently discovered that continuously restricting calories can permanently lower your metabolism. This makes it nearly impossible to lose weight. It is extremely important to closely monitor a person’s metabolic activity. Especially during weight loss to ensure your metabolism stays in its normal range.

The PNOE Metabolic Analyzer Measures Metabolic Changes

At Leo’s Fitness Lab, we help individuals lose weight by monitoring their metabolism with the PNOE. This is a state-of-the-art metabolism test. We can verify the extent to which the diet you are currently on is actually causing the weight loss you want (good) or lowering your metabolism (bad). 

Woman having PNOE testing done.

How the Leo Fit Labs Method Counteracts Slowing Metabolism

Here’s the solution to your weight loss problem! Have one of our Personal Trainers Test you.
  1. Test your metabolism so you have a “baseline” of how many calories you burn per day.
  2. Start, or continue your diet, and add High-Intensity Resistance Training (HIT). Only this kind of training can prevent slowing metabolism because you are building muscle. Muscle burns up to 5 times as many calories as fat. Even when resting or sleeping, boosting your metabolic rate.
  3. Re-test your metabolism every 4-6 weeks to verify that it is NOT slowing down.
IT CANNOT BE STRESSED ENOUGH. IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF, YOU MUST TEST YOUR METABOLISM REGULARLY. ESPECIALLY DURING THE DIET AND EXERCISE PROGRAM. For just $95, our PNOE test will help you to attain your weight loss goals finally! It’s never too late to succeed at weight loss- CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE YOUR PNOE METABOLISM TEST! 619-299-1694 | [email protected]