My father Leo Hamel Sr. was a Master Chief Frogman in the Navy’s Underwater Demolition Teams (direct predecessors to Navy Seals) in 1951 and a competitive bodybuilder. He taught me the importance of weight training for fitness and fat loss. In his honor, I’m opening the most high tech gym in San Diego.
Your first visit is free! Email or call 619-299-1694 to schedule.
Here’s how this system will work for you:
- Train for 20 minutes just once per week1
- Computer tracks your actual results from your very first workout
- 99% of clients see a 2-20% strength increase in just one week
No contracts and no commitments!
In 20 minutes you can achieve all of your fitness goals. The most thorough and time efficient workout in the existence, fully backed by science.2
Find it hard to believe? After your first free session, you’ll understand the power of this cutting-edge technology! Email or call 619-299-1694 to schedule your free workout today!
Our computer controlled training machines are scientifically proven to deliver the fastest muscle gain possible, which promotes the loss of body fat3, and precisely track your progress with each session.
The only place to experience this ultra-high tech workout in San Diego is here at LeoFit! Email or call 619-299-1694 to schedule your free workout today!
“Going to the gym takes too much time.”
- At LeoFit, your workout takes 20 minutes once a week instead of several hours. With our modern, efficient training, you’ll perform compound exercises that stimulate all muscle groups to complete a full body workout much faster than at a traditional gym.
“I’m uncomfortable working out in front of others at the gym.”
- At LeoFit, you never have to worry about being intimidated or embarrassed by others. Schedule a personal workout session for the time you desire so you can focus solely on your training. The only person you’ll compete with is yourself.
“I’m too old to start exercising at a gym.”
- Our computer controlled training machines increases strength for all ages! Our highly-advanced equipment will never allow you to exceed limits outside your range of motion.
“I’m afraid I’ll get sore working out at the gym.”
- The state-of-the-art LeoFit system is designed to minimize post-workout soreness.
“I don’t want to get sweaty and have to shower at the gym.”
- The scientifically advanced exercise at LeoFit is intense, but of such short duration, you shouldn’t sweat. You can work out in your street clothes and then go back to work or to another appointment without showering.
“The gym is too crowded and I have to wait for machines.”
- At LeoFit, you’ll work one-on-one with your trainer at your scheduled time. There is no waiting!
- Physiologists Carpinelli and Otto reviewed all of the known studies on the optimal number of sets performed for the purpose of increasing size and strength, and found that single sets produced optimal results in 33 studies out of the 35 they reviewed: Carpinelli RN, Otto RM. Strength training: single versus multiple sets. Sports Med1998; 26: 73-84.
- Carpinelli R, Otto RM, Winett RA. A critical analysis of the ACSM position stand on resistance training: insufficient evidence to support recommended training protocols. J Exerc Physiol2004; 7: 1-60.; See also Smith D, Bruce-Low S. Strength training and the work of Arthur Jones. J Exerc Physiol 2004; 7: 52-68, and Newham, D. J., Jones, D. A., and Clarkson, P. M. Repeated high-force eccentric exercise: effects on muscle pain and damage. Journal of Applied Physiology 1987; 63(4): 1381-1386
- Hurley BF, Roth SM. Strength training in the elderly: effects on risk factors for age-related diseases. Sports Med. 2000 Oct;30(4):249-68. Review. PubMed PMID: 11048773. See also Devries, M. C., Breen, L., Von Allmen, M., MacDonald, M. J., Moore, D. R., Offord, E. A., … Phillips, S. M. (2015). Low-load resistance training during step-reduction attenuates declines in muscle mass and strength and enhances anabolic sensitivity in older men. Physiological Reports, 3(8), e12493.