Try Leo’s Fitness Lab FREE for Two Weeks!
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The LEAST expensive and MOST effective Personal Training in San Diego at only $35 per session! We use TECHNOLOGY to SAVE YOU TIME and bring about the scientifically proven fastest results.1
- Most people exercise because we want our bodies to change in some way.
- The primary change we are looking for is usually heath related such as to lose weight, get stronger, build muscle, or get more aerobically fit.
- The latest science has shown that traditional weight resistance training is extremely inefficient and that traditional aerobic activities take a lot of time, are very hard on your joints, and often cause the loss of lean muscle mass.
- Lean muscle gives the body its shape, and it burns three to five times more calories a day per pound than fat does. We also lose between 3-5% of our muscle every 10 years once past 30.2
- Science has proven that the absolute fastest way to build more muscle is to exercise a muscle to the point where you cannot lift the weight again.3 This is called muscle failure.
- Muscles work in two directions, positive and negative. Positive is pushing the weight, as in doing a chest press. Negative is returning to the starting position. When doing resistance training, muscles do not reach full failure because they only require pushing in the positive direction. Gravity takes over in the negative direction, and the muscle is basically resting. So the muscle will go to failure in the positive direction only, but not in the negative direction.
- Our technology brings the muscle to failure in both the positive and negative directions, giving you the maximum muscle-building benefits in as little as 20 minutes just once a week.4 It isn’t necessary or desirable to exercise more often because a fully failed muscle NEEDS 7 days to recover.4

The large video display on the computer tracks your increase in strength each week. 95% of our clients get stronger each week for months and even years. It displays this week’s graph (in black and red) versus last weeks (light gray). You also have a personal trainer to guide and encourage you.

- The computer will never push harder than you can safely resist. If you stop pushing, the machine stops instantly, making it safe for anyone from age 10 to 100.
- This short intense workout will also provide more aerobic benefits than several hours of normal aerobic training.5
- Our strength training is personalized and several studies have shown that having a personal trainer can increase your results by a significant percentage.6
- We offer a second technology that uses High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).7 Its unique cooling technology and compression therapy give you more benefit in a single 20 minute session than several hours of traditional aerobic training.8

Our third technology is a medical-grade body composition instrument that will precisely calculate your current percentage of muscle versus body fat. On a traditional diet, with or without exercise, most people lose a significant amount of lean muscle as well as some fat. This technology identifies increases in lean muscle, minimizes loss of lean muscle when dieting, and tracks fat loss.

- Reduced body fat levels9
- Increased strength5
- Enhanced cardiovascular efficiency10
- Lower cholesterol levels11
- Reduced chance of injury12
- Stronger immune system13
- Complete metabolic health14
- Increased bone density15
- Reduced risk of Type II diabetes16
- Reduced blood pressure17
Your first ARX session will be about 40 minutes. One week later you will come in again for another ARX session for about 20 minutes, and you WILL be stronger/fitter. With each new week, the computer data will show your results and progression. During these two free weeks, you can use the Vasper machine 2-4 times as a supplemental aerobic/recovery session. These take about 21 minutes each.
You will NOT believe the effectiveness and time savings of this training until you try it! Once you experience it, you will completely UNDERSTAND why all the above benefits are possible in such a short amount of time. You have to be willing to try it, and the first 2 weeks are FREE!
CALL NOW: 619-299-1694
E-mail: [email protected]
1851 San Diego Avenue Suite 100A
San Diego, CA 92110
- Willardson JM. The application of training to failure in periodized multiple set resistance exercise programs. J Strength Cond Res 2007; 21: 628-31. See also Rodney KJ, Herbert RD, Balnave RJ. Fatigue contributes to the strength training stimulus. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1994; 26: 1160-4.
- Physiologists Carpinelli and Otto reviewed all of the known studies on the optimal number of sets performed for the purpose of increasing size and strength, and found that single sets produced optimal results in 33 studies out of the 35 they reviewed: Carpinelli RN, Otto RM. Strength training: single versus multiple sets. Sports Med 1998; 26: 73-84.
- Carpinelli R, Otto RM, Winett RA. A critical analysis of the ACSM position stand on resistance training: insufficient evidence to support recommended training protocols. J Exerc Physiol 2004; 7: 1-60.; See also Smith D, Bruce-Low S. Strength training and the work of Arthur Jones. J Exerc Physiol 2004; 7: 52-68, and Newham, D. J., Jones, D. A., and Clarkson, P. M. Repeated high-force eccentric exercise: effects on muscle pain and damage. Journal of Applied Physiology 1987; 63(4): 1381-1386
- Messier, S.P., Dill, M.E., “Alterations in strength and maximum oxy- gen consumption consequent to nautilus circuit weight training.” Res Q Exerc Sport 56 (1985) 345
- A. The Globe and Mail article cited a famous study that was conducted at Ball State University in Indiana, researchers put two groups of 10 men through identical 12-week strength-training programs. At the end of the experiment, one group had gained 32 per cent more upper-body strength and 47 per cent more lower-body strength than the other. The only difference was that the more successful group had a personal trainer. B. Researchers at the University of Brasilia in Brazil compared two groups of 100 volunteers who undertook a 12-week strength-training program, supervised either by one trainer for every five athletes, or one trainer for every 25 athletes. The results, which were published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning. The highly supervised group improved their bench press by 16 per cent, while the less supervised group chose lighter weights and improved by only 10 per cent.
- Burgomaster, S. C. Hughes, G. J. F. Heigenhauser, S. N. Bradwell, and M. J. Gibala, “Six Sessions of Sprint Interval Training Increases Muscle Oxidative Potential and Cycle Endurance Capacity in Humans,” Journal of Applied Physiology 98, no. 6 (June 1, 2005): 1985-90.
- Coyle, “Very Intense Exercise-Training Is Extremely Potent and Time Efficient: A Reminder,” ibid., 1983-84.
- Hurley BF, Roth SM. Strength training in the elderly: effects on risk factors for age-related diseases. Sports Med. 2000 Oct;30(4):249-68. Review. PubMed PMID: 11048773. See also Devries, M. C., Breen, L., Von Allmen, M., MacDonald, M. J., Moore, D. R., Offord, E. A., … Phillips, S. M. (2015). Low-load resistance training during step-reduction attenuates declines in muscle mass and strength and enhances anabolic sensitivity in older men. Physiological Reports, 3(8), e12493.
- Burt J, Wilson R, Willardson JM. A comparison of once versus twice per week training on leg press strength in women.J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2007 Mar;47(1)
- Campbell, W., Crim, M., Young, C., et al. “Increased energy require- ments and changes in body composition with resistance training in older adults.” Am J Clin Nutr 60 (1994)167–75. See also Hurley, B., “Does strength training improve health status?” Strength Cond J 16 (1994) 7–13. See also Stone, M., Blessing, D., Byrd, R., et al. “Physiological effects of a short term resistive training program on middle-aged untrained men.” Nat Strength Cond Assoc J 4 (1982) 16–20 and Hurley, B., Hagberg, J., Goldberg A., et al. “Resistance training can reduce coronary risk factors without altering VO2 max or percent body fat.” Med Sci Sports Exerc 20 (1988) 150–4
- Menkes A., Mazel S., Redmond A., et al., “Strength training increases regional bone mineral density and bone remodelling in middle-aged and older men.” J Appl Physiol 74 (1993) 2478–84.
- Baldi JC, Snowling N: Resistance training improves glycaemic control in obese type 2 diabetic men. Int J Sports Med24:419–423, 2003
- Colliander E.B. Tesch, P.A., “Blood pressure in resistance trained ath- letes.” Can J Appl Sport Sci 13 (1988) 31–4