Strengthen and Build Muscle
Building even small amounts of muscle has been shown to be a MAJOR contributor to life extension, especially “quality of life” in our later years. (1) If you are not building strength and muscle, even small amounts, you are moving NOT in the direction of health, but away from it.
Diet and long walks alone just do not cut it.
You don’t need to be a body builder to build muscle; you simply need to stress your muscles in a specific yet brief method to build muscle, strength, and aerobic ability. Building basic muscle and strength can and will occur at ANY age if done in a scientific manner.
That’s worth repeating: you can build strength and muscle AT ANY AGE and it will benefit you in a multitude of ways.
Because we use the most advanced, computer controlled exercise equipment, you will start your first session at the exact level that is right for YOU. No overtraining, no unneeded stress, and no injuries. We can even work around injuries or limitations that you may already have. Don’t let a small pain stop you from working the rest of your body.

An example is a 80+ year old client who cannot walk on his own so he scooters to our facility. We help him onto the machines and he is then able to get a full work out from a seated position, even though he could not walk here! You can work around existing problems while exercising the rest of your body.
Without getting into a lot of “science” let’s just say that you will have the right work out for you, at that moment in time, every time. If you apply yourself, you should get the most benefit possible in just two 20-minute sessions per week! (2) The most benefit in the least time. Who wouldn’t want that?
A simple explanation is that our machines sense your current ability and give you the correct resistance based on your strength, adjusting with every second, to tone and refine your musculature. The machines also have a computer screen that shows you how much “work” you are doing so that you can track it and compete against yourself in the next session. This equates to improvement, session after session, in the most direct and quantifiable manner.

Building muscle has been shown to be THE predictor of longevity in several studies, one of which is quoted below. (1)
We all lose about 3-5% of our muscle every 10 years after the age of 30. It’s not that it is harder to lose weight as we get older, but that we lose muscle which burns more calories than fat. So body fat gain is oftentimes really muscle loss. Our training system builds strength, tones muscle, burns fat and gives serious cardiovascular benefit in 20 minutes twice a week.
Call now to schedule your free trial session! 619-373-0291