Our fitness laboratory is equipped to transform your body to live your best life!
If you talk to any doctor, they will tell you that exercise is your best form of medicine. But, if you want constant happiness, if you want constant gratification from being alive, keep creating positive difference in the lives of others - and this is exactly what we do. For me Vasper is like, it's more of a method than a machine tool. It allows me a break from my symptoms. But now I'm stronger. I feel hot. You feel legitimately high, you just feel great. And you just sleep really well and feel like your body recovers faster - it's amazing. And during the rise - it makes a huge difference. Vasper is this incredible technology that basically enables people to mimic the physiology of a more intensive workout and initiate some of the same benefits. We basically hacked the brain into thinking it has done two sessions of CrossFit and then run up a 2,000-foot mountain. 20 minutes and you get to like pretend you're a marathon runner in only 20 minutes. How exciting is that? I was excited. It really inspired me to jump to a new level. It helps with speed and performance in swimming, biking, and running. Our rest and recovery is improved so we have a more energetic, vitally efficient, athlete who's prepared for an 82-game schedule. You don't realize the effects pain has on your life until you're not in pain. I believe in the technology, and I believe in the team behind Vasper - because it's a game changer. You want to make as big an impact on humanity as possible and really change the way that people think about healthcare, think about strength training, think about rehabilitation.
High intensity interval training San Diego fitness experts trust
Our workout routine will help you achieve your fitness goals at a much faster rate, using the key principles of high intensity interval training (HIIT). This type of exercise is truly challenging, but we’re here to help you throughout the entire process.
With a carefully designed interval training plan, you can burn calories quickly, shed extra weight, build muscle, and strengthen your entire immune system. And since you’ll see results much quicker than with a traditional workout, you can achieve the body you’ve always wanted while still having time for other pleasurable activities.
High Intensity Workout in San Diego That Tests Your Limits
Here at Leo’s Fitness Lab, we believe that no exceptional results are achieved without putting in an extraordinary amount of effort. But, when you work out in our high-tech facility, you’ll discover that you still feel energized even after a vigorous training session. This is made possible by designing custom fitness plans that suit your needs and capabilities using our ground-breaking workout equipment. With us, you get all the benefits of a powerful workout that fits easily into your busy schedule. Become the strongest, fittest and healthiest person you can be at Leo’s Fitness Lab!
VASPER San Diego training programs just for you
The latest technology is here to transform the way you work out

Redefine your body
Our innovative equipment and science-based approach will help you achieve optimal fitness results.

Enjoy time-saving perks
Reap maximum health benefits in half the time thanks to our high-tech fitness laboratory.

Make the most of personal training
Our experienced trainers are fully committed to you and your fitness needs, offering motivation and guidance.
Hey guys, it's Tony Robbins. Listen, they asked me to give them feedback about using this Vasper. But I gotta tell you - it's extraordinary. If you read the science on it you'll be blown away. It changes the hormonal profile besides working that intensely - it's like two back-to-back workouts and a run up the side of a mountain about 3,000 feet. In 21 minutes of constriction on your arms and legs, you'll build the lactic acid like crazy. And you know there's different profiles highlighted. I use sprint ones and then I use oxygen deprivation as well just to push it even harder. But, for a 21-minute workout to transform your body and heroically and hormonally - I don't know many things that're much better. So check it out for yourself, see what you think. I promise you it'll be a workout you won't forget.
- Tony Robbins
World-Renowned Business Leader & Speaker

Meet our fitness community of happy customers
Meet our fitness community of happy customers

Take full advantage of our high intensity resistance training workout in San Diego
Highly effective VASPER San Diego workout at your disposal
High intensity interval training at our fitness laboratory isn’t like what you’d expect from other workout facilities. We combine HIIT with science-driven methods and cutting-edge technology in one convenient machine—VASPER. This first-rate fitness machine will maximize the benefits you get from your high intensity workout by increasing your energy levels, enhancing muscle growth and reducing the feeling of soreness and exhaustion. What’s more, in combination with our other machines such as ARX, VASPER truly makes all the difference, bringing your workout to a whole new level.
Efficient Interval Training San Diego Gym-Goers Will Love
Who better to guide you on your way to self-transformation than our dedicated personal trainers? We take great pleasure in working with individuals with different fitness needs and assisting them in achieving their goals, no matter how big or small. What’s more, your experienced personal trainer in San Diego will adjust your fitness program, taking into consideration your needs, aptitude, possible injuries, and overall physical condition. Let us help you unlock your full potential!
Discover High Intensity Interval Training in San Diego and Free up Your Schedule
We understand the difficulty of balancing personal and professional obligations in today’s fast-paced society. Yet, it’s important to never neglect your physical and mental well-being, and with our help, you don’t have to. Our HIIT workout plans are designed to save you from spending hours at the gym and help you achieve your desired goals in much less time. You can complete a highly effective workout session at our innovative boutique gym in San Diego in no more than 20 minutes and still have time to enjoy an evening out in the Gaslamp Quarter with the people you love. Never again will you have to sacrifice self-care. Contact us and schedule your trial HIIT session today!

“Vasper is my force multiplier tool to achieve optimum fitness, sleep, and vitality without overtraining. I get the benefit of 2 hours of intense exercise in just 21 minutes of low impact workout. The core cooling aspect of Vasper enables me to fully recover in 10 minutes while delivering more oxygen to my body and brain. I love my Vasper, and it’s now a regular part of my priming routine for success.”
—Tony Robbins, world-renowned business leader and Peak Performance Strategist

“When I can replace 2 12 hours of cardio with 21 minutes of work, without needing to shower afterward, all the barriers to exercise drop away. Plus, it works even better. I totally love my Vasper!”
— Dave Asprey Founder, Bulletproof

“Over the first 15 months of using Vasper more than 3x weekly, I’ve gained 6 pounds of muscle, lost 14 pounds of fat, increased my testosterone score from 379 to 697, and have enjoyed the most relaxed, energized, creative, and productive period of my life. All of this at age 72. My success story has so far persuaded 50+ other Strategic Coach entrepreneurs to purchase their own Vasper.”
— Dan Sullivan, Co-Founder, Strategic Coach